Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 10

Well this week was good enough! The arts festival in the college brought some...interesting and boring.... stuff to the college. Some classes cancelled as well so it was a short enough week, except for friday. Finished at 4pm this time, and couldn't do anything else for the day, a day i usually go in town with a few friends but oh well...
Thursday was the best of it as some strange and funny stuff happened that day which i won't go into detail about lol
Lazy weekend as usual, although tried to go to see Beowulf, Sunday but sadly arrangements had to be made for a late usual, fuck sake...
Instead, went to see them turn on the "Outstanding...¬.¬" lights in town and the "Insane" festival as well
Looking forward to this week especailly Christmas day! Hopefully i can go see Santa and ask him for my what i want off him...hehe lol

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