Monday, November 5, 2007

Week 7

Finally winter is here, one of my favourite seasons (Not because of christmas though lol)
This week felt very short as we had the monday off and some classes were cancelled as well.
This gave me some time to relax and hang around with friends as well, which was a nice change from constant work and study.
Halloween was pretty boring though. I was suppose to go to a dress-up party (I wasn't dressing up though...) but i kept changing my mind constantly over one or two things that was said to me about the party, and by the time i decied to go, it was too late...
The next few days were alot better though as i got to hang around with friends more due to first year exams all this week, and there classes weren't on either.
Next week hopefully won't be as bad as the week before this, which gave me a real bad headache!

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