Monday, December 3, 2007

Week 11

College went very fast this week. First off i learned on a monday morning that i had to get a present for a person i don't even know of for Christmas day in CIT. So off into town i went to get it during my free time... It did not go well as even though i walked around everywhere before eventually buying something, the buses magically disappeared back to college and i had to wait till 3 to get one back in!
Tuesday had the day off, but had to mind my sister which just involved sleep, eat and sleep.
Wednesday was the day i was waitng for all week. Christmas, and it sucked! First off ended up getting dinner by myself...¬.¬ And pubs were full so couldn't get into any!
Thursday...normal...moving on
Friday we gave gifts to everyone, and i got my gift. Hair gel and a masturbating monkey which i sadly named Mr.Bloggles.
Weekend tried to study for exams and do assignments but got no where so i'll try next week lol

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