Thursday, January 24, 2008

What a pass few months

The months gone by have being the most fun, enjoyable yet also the most annoyinly frustrating ones I think I had ever. After a summer of constant ups and downs...I went on holidays to Spain, sunny Costa del Sol with the family to relax from stress and to begin thinking of the year behind me and ahead of me. Spent a few sleepless nights thinking to much, but the heat didn't help either of course. After returning back home, I decided to take another sort of apporach to life, or so I tried with little yet suprising effects.
Going back to college, I started to wonder if I really like the course I am doing. As time slowly passed I found that I did not have the enthusiasm or feeling that I had in first year. I started to become more, easy going with the course, which I have regretted. I still don't know to this point if I enjoy doing this course as other interests have started coming into my mind, English (which has now become a hobbie), Business and even Mulitmedia. But I don't even know if I enjoy taking them up as well, so for the time being I have decided to stick and try hard at this course as its the best option for me i'm sure. But coming back hasn't been filled with all negatives. The making of new and good friends that have helped me relax and loosen out from the stress of all things, and realizing it, they have being a huge help and have helped me become alot more positive and open-minded person along with a "less fearing" attitude. From the end of the christmas exams, I had began thinking of next year, what it be like and remember saying to a very good friend of my on new years eve in 2006, that I still be the same person no matter what, but I see from now, that i'm halfly...not. So instead of trying to remain the same this year, I have decided to try and change my life, getting a job, becoming fitter, and trying to work out on what I want to do and improve in those areas that I need, all in all, trying to put more into my life.
I know for a fact though that no matter what happens, this year for me could end up being as hard as the last or being my best year ever, nothing else...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Death by Chocolate

Thursday has been the closest I have been in along time to throwing up over a dessert.
After having a medium size pizza to myself in Ginos as I sat there with friends, I then ordered a dessert named 'Death by Chocolate' because of its name.
What came out was a glass filled with lots of chocolate ice-cream, cream, bananas and a flake.
I chalenged my friend to a race as she got one too but she refused...
Minutes later after she finished more of hers then mine, she said she'd race now.
I accepted and threw back everything as fast as I could but failed to beat her.
Although she won, she would admit defeat if I ate a spoon of cream, chocolate ice-cream, bananas all mashed together from what was left of hers.
She was silly to ask as if any of them know me, I wasn't going to hasitate, and ate it to there suprisement, which i was sort of suprised at...
But after eating it, I soon started to regret it as I felt like I was about to throw up.
Now I know, never try to eat a 'Death by Chocolate' as fast as you can, as it does what it says, on the menu.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Back once again...

First week back after such a relaxing Christmas. Back to a slow moving week, the place is too quiet to me, theres no one here and everyone I know are still on hols, damn lucky first years...
Hols were good, although terrible weather ruined most of the plans I had. Still finding it hard to actually get up in the mornings after getting up around 12 or 1 pm almost everyday since the hols lol.
Well time to got start looking for a place to work now, so thats going to put more stress on me (if theres any already)
Not much else to say, only that i'm looking forward to the week off already soon!