Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 6

Back in college this week, and first thing i do is have a test...*sigh*
Got alot of stuff to catch up on, like programming, my project and plus all the stuff i've missed in the classes last week.
Felt very tired this week, maybe its from not much sleep or maybe some stress...(Hear laughter behind him).....yes i do get stressed lol
Lucky had Friday off this week, so went out Thursday night with a few friends to Gorby's.
Was the only one to get asked my ID at a bar first, (I don't look that young!) and also the only one to get asked how much i drank before getting into Gorbys when i only drank one compared to like 2 or 3 drinks others drank I bet!!
But it was a enjoyable night...
The rest of the week was pretty much boooorrrriiiinnnnnnggggg! Stayed in for the whole Jazz Weekend, but happily playing PES 2008 though lol
Well got to get back to work on college stuff now!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 5

Sorry but there is not much that i can say about this week.
Got tonsillitis so had to stay home all week getting up to nothing!
All i could do was watch some tv and that was about it.
Did watch the irish football match alright. Can not believe how Ireland can play good against strong times at times and then play worse against ones who aren't so good. Hopes of ever trying to make Euro 2008 went for me when I saw Ireland play for like the first 30 mins.
Also the F1 Brazilian Grand Prix Sunday which was a great race to watch, although I would have liked to see Luis Hamilton win it, I was still happy that Kimi Raikkonen win it as hes been so close at times but never won it.
Well hope to have more to talk about this week...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 4

Abit more interesting then last week lol
First off, i finall handed in a CV into Game in Patrick Street, so hopefully next week i'll be called in for a interview, and get a job.
Really need the money now, because i few things i have planned are going to cost abit. Planning on going to a halloween party soon now maybe next week...
During the weekend i went to see Ratatouille with my family, overall i found it pretty enjoyable!
But before the end of the weekend i started to get a bad throat infection that seems to be getting worse constantly, which is actually starting to annoy me now, since i can't talk or do much at the moment.

Week 3

Finally saw the film i wanted to see last weekend, "War". Overall it was pretty ok, story better then what i expected from it apart from a confusing ending...
Not much up this week, just mainly college and thats about it, planning on looking for a job now this weekend, I have to begin searching soon before christmas starts to come...
well thats about it for this week....

Friday, October 5, 2007

Week 2

Its been a tiring week this week. First of all, i find out though that the flim i wanted to see didn't come in, so i was pissed off at that, but it didn't dampen the week i had ahead.
Monday i went to a anime event in easons in the city, which was good fun, although it felt a little weird.
Tuesday went for a game of soccer, where i got a small but sore cut in my head, from being pushed into a wall( I'll get you back scott.......lol)
Wednesday, had the anime society, which is always a great laugh.
And Thursday the freshers ball, which was great, until the band stopped of course...)
The shows in the student centre were good as well, especially the freakshow, which i almost threw up at, at one point lol. And so everyones clear I couldn't get the needle out because my hands were sweaty, not because i was weak LOL!
So besides all that, i had classes as normal, now its time to go out and find a job for myself tomorrow, so i can go to Dublin in November for a event on up there. So hopefully get one soon!